Friday, February 11, 2022

Some Of The Biggest Blunders We See Pet Owners Make

 Contributed/Collaborated Post:

Bringing a pet into your family can be one of the best decisions you ever make. Pets can bring so much love and warmth to your home. However, you do need to be careful when bringing a pet into your home. Your pet relies on you for love, attention, care, shelter, and food, so you need to do your best for them. With that being said, let’s take a look at some of the common mistakes pet owners make so that you can avoid making them.

  • Purchasing from any old pet store - There is only one place to begin, and this is by failing to consider your choice of pet store carefully. We have a tendency to assume that all pet stores are the same, but this is simply not the case. You want to make sure that your pet enjoys food and products of the highest standard. Because of this, we would recommend you look for a holistic pet store that sells natural products.
  • Going too far afield - Generally it is best not to go too far out in order to find your new pooch. In fact, it’s definitely a good idea to try and keep it as local as you possibly can. You can do that easily enough, by searching for English bulldog puppies for sale near me if you are looking for bulldogs for example. And it will mean that you are keeping it local as much as possible.
  • Not training your pet early - Training your pet early is important. If you leave it until your pet is older, your pet will have already developed bad habits. This will make it incredibly difficult for you to undo these bad habits. It is also important to make sure that you are consistent when it comes to training your pet. Otherwise, your pet is only going to end up getting confused.
  • Overlooking the suitability of the pet for your family - Aside from the errors that we have seen so far, another common mistake that a lot of pet owners make is overlooking whether or not the animal in question is going to be right for their family. Simply picking a pet because it is cute is not a good enough reason. You need to make sure that your lifestyle will be right for the pet, ensuring they get the care and attention they require. 
  • Cutting matted hair - Last but not least, one of the most common mistakes that we see pet owners make is cutting hair that has become thickly matted. Mats are difficult to comb out or brush, so often pet owners will decide to take matters into their own hands, cutting the mat out with scissors. This is an error. The reason for this is because it is very hard to figure out where the mat ends and the ear begins, meaning it is easy for you to end up cutting your cat or dog’s ear, which is the last thing you want. 

So there you have it: some of the different blunders that we see pet owners make. We hope that this helps to steer you in the right direction when it comes to purchasing a pet and looking after them properly. If you have any questions about your pet, the best thing to do is to get in touch with your vet and they will be able to help you and point you in the right direction.

Friday, December 31, 2021

BarkBox Review | Barkbox Unboxing |December 2021 | Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer

 BarkBox Review | Barkbox Unboxing |December 2021 | Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer

Use promo code “RUCKUSESKIE” to save $15 on We are affiliates of BarkBox. OR USE THIS LINK HERE: BARKBOX: Thank you so much for watching! Please make sure to LIKE and SHARE this video and subscribe to my channel here for new videos: OTHER BARKBOX REVIEWS: ----------------------------------------­­­--------------- DOG & LIFESTYLE BLOG → ♥INSTAGRAM → ♥TWITTER → ♥FACEBOOK → ♥PINTEREST → ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ This video may contain affiliate links. We purchase most of the products for the posts ourselves however sometimes we have the opportunity to test and review brand products. Ruckus the Eskie will only share products we trust.

Thursday, December 16, 2021

The 4 Best Christmas Presents For Dogs

Photo by Blue Bird

Contributed/Collaborated Post:

We are a nation of dog lovers, with around 44 percent of all households in the US owning a pet dog. That’s a staggering 78 million dogs. So it should come as no surprise that, since they are one of the family, we also love to treat them at Christmas to something special. So what can you buy the dog in your life to make their Christmas a happy one? 

Soft Toys 

Dogs love toys, and soft toys are good for them. Just like with babies and small children, soft toys can make a dog feel safe, and if you have to leave them on their own every once in a while, a favorite soft toy with your scent on it can help them to feel more at ease. However, also just like with babies and small children, it’s essential to buy a safe toy for your dog. Make sure there are no sharp, pointy pieces that could cause injury, and check that there are no parts (like eyes or buttons) that could come off and get stuck in the throat. Finally, check that the stuffing is safe for dogs; it could come out (especially if the toy is played with a lot), so it needs to be non-toxic. 

Chew Toys

Chew toys are a fantastic gift for a dog. Chew toys are not just fun, they’re good for your dog’s health, too. Chewing is a natural instinct for dogs, and it’s good for their oral health. It’s good for their mental health too – they could quickly become bored if they don’t chew on something. To save your furniture or anything else you don’t want a dog to get its teeth into, buy them a good chew toy. It will keep them entertained for a long time if you buy a quality one. Make sure you take your dog’s size into account when choosing which one to get, as if it’s too big, they won’t be able to get their mouths around it, and if it’s too small, they could swallow it. 


Buying your dog a special edible treat at Christmas is a lovely idea. There are many treats that are specially made for dogs, so you won’t need to buy them something that only humans should eat, which could make your pet sick. Treats for dogs should be nutritious as well as tasty, and if possible, they should be good for their teeth and tongues too. To get something really special, look out for artisan, handmade dog food that is kind to your dog’s digestive system. 

A Safe Yard

If you have a yard for your dog to play in, that’s already a good thing for them – they’ll need exercise and entertainment, and a backyard can offer this, ensuring they make the most out of every day. However, it’s crucial you ensure that the yard is safe, otherwise you might need to take your pet to the vet due to injury or sickness. Making the yard safe entails checking for poisonous plants, putting up a fence so they can’t get out, or even sectioning off a piece of the yard just for them. If that sounds like a good idea, check out this buying guide for dog fences to make sure you get it right. 

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

BarkBox Review | Barkbox Unboxing |November 2021 | Home Fur Thanksgiving

 BarkBox Review | Barkbox Unboxing |November 2021 | Home Fur Thanksgiving

Use promo code “RUCKUSESKIE” to save $15 on We are affiliates of BarkBox. OR USE THIS LINK HERE: BARKBOX: Thank you so much for watching! Please make sure to LIKE and SHARE this video and subscribe to my channel here for new videos: OTHER BARKBOX REVIEWS: ----------------------------------------­­­--------------- DOG & LIFESTYLE BLOG → ♥INSTAGRAM → ♥TWITTER → ♥FACEBOOK → ♥PINTEREST → ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ This video may contain affiliate links. We purchase most of the products for the posts ourselves however sometimes we have the opportunity to test and review brand products. Ruckus the Eskie will only share products we trust.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

5 Things To Consider Before Buying A Horse

Pexels. CCO Licensed.

Contributed/Collaborated Post:

Buying a horse is a big decision. For many people it's a childhood dream, but it’s a dream that comes with a lot of responsibility. Below are a few important things to consider before buying a horse. 

Why do you want a horse?

If you’ve been riding for a while now, it’s likely you may be wanting to take your passion to the next level. Owning a horse can prevent you from having to rely on the availability of lesson horses - you can go riding whenever you want.

Of course, there are other reasons to own a horse beyond wanting to go riding. Horses can make great companion pets that will live a long time. Looking after a horse can be a lot of work, but it can be rewarding. It can motivate you to spend time outdoors and exercise. If you own a farm, a horse could even help with certain farming tasks. You could even set up a horse-based business such as a riding school.

You should think twice before buying a horse as a pet for a child, especially if you and your child have little experience with horses. Kids often go through phases - unless they’ve been avidly riding horses for years, there’s no guarantee they’ll maintain this passion.

What type of horse is right for you?

There are many different breeds of horse. Certain breeds may be better suited to certain climates and activities. Temperament can vary a lot from each breed. It’s important to find the right breed for you. This post lists some of the best breeds for first time horse owners

You should also consider the age and the size of the horse. Older horses are easier to handle than younger horses - they’re generally more predictable and will likely already have good ground manners. When it comes to size, think about your own weight and height if you plan to ride your horse. 

Where will you keep your horse?

Your horse will need to be kept in a stable or at least have some kind of run-in shelter. Many people rent a stable - there are likely to be many horse boarding options locally, which are worth looking into before you buy your horse. 

If you have enough land, another option is to build your own stable. Search online for an equestrian barn builder that can build you a suitable structure.  This could work out cheaper in the long run, but you need to make sure that you have enough land to make it work.

Can you afford it?

A horse is one of the most expensive pets you can buy. Hay and straw, feed, vet bills and boarding are just some of the regular costs to factor in. This can cost thousands per year. This isn’t even including the initial cost of buying a horse and all the equipment.

There are ways to save money on a horse. However, it will never be cheap - so make sure your budget stretches far enough.

Do you have the time?

You’ll also need to dedicate a lot of time to looking after your horse, exercising it and creating trust. Riding is just a small part of it - there’s so much more from mucking out stables to grooming your horse. 

You may be able to use boarded facilities or hire a stable hand to relieve some of the responsibility. However, you’ll still need to be prepared to spend a good few hours per week with your horse. If you’ve already got a busy life, this could be something to carefully consider.