Showing posts with label outdoors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label outdoors. Show all posts

Friday, September 20, 2013

FitDog Friday: Outdoor Wallovers!

It was a warm day out, but that's no excuse not do do your Station Exercises! Maybe I need to put in a little more effort than just one paw! 110%!!!
Can I get a boost?
Sorry for the not-safe-for-work content!

How do you plan to stay fit this Friday?


Ruckus the Eskie

Previous Post--> September BarkBox Review

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Black & White Sunday: Barkin' Birthday Bonanza at the Beach (B.W.S.B.B.B.B.)!

Plenty of action yesterday at Carmel By The Sea, California (that's the real name of the city!). I was pooped after running in and out of the tide. There were not many other canines or sapiens in the water yesterday, but it was still a very fun and exciting birthday get-together!

Butters the Frenchie also attended my birthday party, but he was too afraid to run into the water with me. I also met a mini-me named Hunter and saw a puppy Japanese Spitz! Unfortunately, we did not get to meet.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

What's in your Wallet?

Ruckus Report: Mod Dog Water Wallet

Woof! Wag! Play! I won a prize from WoofWagPlay Box via an Instagram photo contest! I received this Mod Dog Water Wallet and thought it would be a fun to report back to my dedicated readers.

Ah so refreshing

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Should I be shaved? Should you?

Summer is quickly approaching its end, and Fall is just around the corner. How have my fellow canines been coping with the heat? I recently met an Eskie like myself named Thor. It was a warm afternoon, and Thor's sapien was taking him to the groomer for a nice shave. I overheard my sapiens talking with his, and discovered that Thor's coat was never quite the same after a couple of shaves. Thor doesn't do well in the warm weather, and pants profusely. While I am still a young pup, I wonder if I may end up needing a close cut in the future.

This isn't nearly the amount I normally shed

Monday, August 26, 2013

PSA: Sapiens, please watch us while we are socializing with other dogs

A few days ago, my dear friend Miss Ivy was attacked by a menacing dog in Ohio. It happened at Bow Wow Beach, and I worry it can happen to any of us. Please visit Miss Ivy's sapien, Tom Fargo, to show your love and support to his poor puppy who is still recovering from her injuries.

The moment right before the strike