Sunday, December 29, 2013

Happy Howlidays Part Deux!

Part Deux of related post below :)


Ruckus the Eskie

Related Post --> Santa's Little Helper


  1. This is such an adorable photo of you in your environment, Ruckus!!

    -Livvie from

  2. Great photo! Love the decorations and Ruckus looks fab!

  3. LOVE your outfit and of course your SMILE. Happy Black n White Sunday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  4. Love your shirt, Ruckus! You look full of holiday spirit.

  5. Oh what a wonderful pic of you!!!!
    Hope you had a great Christmas Ruckus buddy! And wishing you a very Happy New Year!!
    ((husky hugz))
    "love is being owned by a husky"

  6. Aww what a beautiful pic Ruckus!!!
    Hope you and your furmily had a pawsome Christmas!!! Wishing you warm and cozy wishes for a Happy New Year!!
    Siamese smothers of purrs

  7. I love the pj's and Ruckus sits so nicely. I wish Sissy would sit this nicely when I want to take a picture. She's always trying to be right next to me.

  8. Happy Howlidays Ruckus! We're working on catching up on the blogs we follow :)

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