Wednesday, September 25, 2013

PSA: How to use Social Media for Local Shelters

With social media, sapiens are connected instantaneously. This is incredible for being able to share information quickly and broadly. However, there can be times where having a social media account can get lost in the flurry of all other social chatter.

For local animal shelters, it can be increasingly hard to grab the attention of the sapiens in your area. Therein lies the key to being able to advertise successfully to help bring more sapiens attention to the shelter.

Here are my tips for a little more oomph in social media:
  1. Grab the attention of bloggers in your area who have pet blogs. Just asking a blogger to do a feature on your animal shelter can garnish their assistance. Timing their posts with your event would be even more fruitful.
  2. Post post post. Use your blog, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and pretty much any other Social Media outlet you can get your hands on. Posting frequently with fresh content is sure to be helpful. Posting videos of your animals on YouTube can also be eye-catching.
  3. Host promotional giveaways through your social media outlets. Maybe this needs to be confirmed with legal departments, but if it's allowed, you can get a lot of attention.
These are just my ideas that could help. Feel free to ask me to post about your Animal Shelter!

Deep in thought on how to support local Animal Shelters
Here are some local Animal Shelters in my area:


Ruckus the Eskie

Previous Post--> Wordless Wednesday: Here's lookin' at you, sapien kid


  1. Thanks for the good tips, Ruckus! And thank you for stopping by our blog (and for your nice comment). :)

  2. Love the tips! Stopping by from BlogPaws with my dog Sandie, Another Californian here, Ventura County. The idea of having giveaways is really great! I will be having a Halloween Costume Photo Contest starting on Sept. 30th if you want to drop by Sandie's page and join! It's for dogs and cats! I'm excited to read more of your posts!

  3. One more thing... lol I wanted to check the Notify me button! :)
