
Thursday, December 11, 2014

Thoughtless Thursday #47: Holiday Travels for Dog Lovers @roverdotcom

Here we are... preparing for the holidays!

Holiday travels and preparation for the entire family can be stressful, especially when you have to consider your loving dog companion. We know we consider Ruckus a great deal when it comes time to planning a vacation or get-a-away. Most of our trips are short and local within the state, which means we do extensive research for housing/lodging with pets and dog-friendly functions/restaurants. Of course, when we wish to proceed with out-of-state and international vacations, it becomes a whole other story!

This holiday season, we have partnered up with to share this useful infographic with all dog-owners:

We hope that this Holiday Travels for Dog Lovers edition was informative.

Happy and safe traveling! Any fun plans with or without Fido?

As a bonus from, use "Ruckus20" to receive a $20 discount. (expires 1/31/2015)

Company's websiteRover

Happy Thoughtless Thursday!

Thoughtless Thursday

"Don't think, just link!" 

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Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by I am being compensated to share this holiday travel infographic, but only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. 


  1. Sadly because of my car sickness we do not go anywhere but great infographic and it is always good to take time to prepare. Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Hi Y'all!

    When we travel we usually are moving between homes. My Humans prefer home to away. It is rare that my Humans leave me with a couple who board a limited number of dogs in their home.

    Christmas I'm usually left at home, since we live near most of the family and the others travel to join us.

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  3. Great infographic! Travelling and planning during the holidays is definitely a bit more difficult with pets and the human pets too! BOL!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  4. Love the infographic. Useful tips and interesting little factoids. Thankfully we are staying home and everyone is coming here!

  5. Gosh, Ruckus, this is really timely! Mama and Papa keep talking about this holiday party happening on Saturday and it turns out I am not invited. I dunno what's gonna happen... :/

  6. Love your Hat Ruckus,Bunnies as a rule don't travel well ,but I'm an exception I love going on vacation with mummy and Daddy,but sometimes they go abroad so I have to stay at grandmas then,xx Speedy
