
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Syzygium Malaccense

That's a mouthful, isn't it? Where sapiens come up with these ridiculous names is beyond me! The more common name you'll hear regarding this particular item is: "Malay Apple." But, even then, it is still not a very common item you will see at your local grocery market in the USA.

Without further ado...

Here are these interesting-looking fruit native to Southeast Asia. They look like red bell peppers, don't they?

Five for me, none for you!

Inside, there is a cottony texture with a very mellow, sweet and sour taste of a rose petal. How do I know what rose petals taste like? Well, I eat grass from time-to-time, so a rose petal is not far off from that! Delicious!

The innards
Thank you to my dear friends for shipping this fruit from exotic lands! I'm sure these are not tested for the safety of canines, but my sapiens are guilty of sharing a bite with me!

Read more about the Malay Apple here: Wikipedia

Special Announcement:

Just a friendly reminder about this Saturday's Blog Hop!

All are welcome to join. Please share your best sepia pics of pets, families, experiences, nature, etc! Here are the rules:
  1. Be Sepia-Related (doesn't just have to be photos of pets!)
  2. Have fun!
  3. Grab the badge below or use the html code on the right-hand side (optional)
My first list will go up Saturday 12/28/2013! It will be a great ending to welcome in the new year and I hope to see you all there!


Ruckus the Eskie

Previous Post --> Almost Blinded in the Night!


  1. I think I've seen those at Asian supermarkets before!

  2. I have seen those in the store and didn't know what they were. :)

  3. Those look kind of yummy - rose petals huh? Interesting.

  4. I've never heard of those, but I bet it would be fun to try some at school with my PreK class! They love new experiences and things!

  5. Hi Y'all!

    Oh wonderful news! A new Blog Hop!!! Since the Saturday hop ended I've continued to post my beautiful world events, but now a new focus!!!

    Merry Christmas Y'all!!!
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  6. What an interesting fruit! Never heard of those before

  7. Oh my I have never heard of that fruit! Must look for them!

  8. Never heard of them! Very interesting!!!
    ((Husky hugz)) and Merry Christmas my good Buddie!

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